Your Ex Wants to Make Up. If you recently broke up with your girlfriend and want her back, you may be constantly asking yourself this question: how to get your ex back. You may be feeling really low and blue, and things may look hopeless right about now. But the situation is probably not as bad as that. It may not even be too bad at all. I am sure you know that women do not always mean what they say, and do not say what they mean.
For example, your girlfriend from ChinaLove.com may have said categorically that the two of you should separate; the relationship was over, etc., etc. And she no doubts really believed it and meant it – at the time.
But now? If a few weeks or months have passed by, she may be of an entirely different opinion. She may even regret her hasty decision. So you must set about to get your ex back, watching for these four indicators.
Set About to Get Your Ex Back – Your Ex Wants to Make Up
First, of course, you have to make contact with her. If she replies to your call, email, text message, or other communication, that is the first positive sign. She is interested, and perhaps available. For that first contact, however, it might be better to send her flowers and a card. Or send her a funny, gigantic greeting card at her work. That cannot be ignored and will engage her co-workers in the enterprise. Whichever method you choose, keep the message short and pleasant.
Remember she was hurt by the breakup, even if it was her idea. Yes, you were hurt as well. But you must turn the page and start fresh.
Second, the two of you may exchange several messages before anything further develops. She is testing you, to see what you really want. She is also testing herself, trying to decide if she, in fact, wants to patch up the relationship from ChinaLove.com. It is a delicate time when that thin, fragile line of communication between you could be easily broken by a misstep from you. So be thoughtful and sensitive.
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You surely know her quite well at this point, so think. What approach is likely to work best? If she continues the exchange, it means she is interested in you, and you can proceed.
This will be the big one. She agrees to meet with you. Make it a casual, low-key affair. Coffee and a sandwich. Or an ice cream if it is summertime.
She is Meeting Regularly With You
The Third sign could be the big one, and very positive if she continues to meet you for these mini-dates. Let things develop slowly. Do not worry if she is dating someone else at this point. The important thing is she is meeting regularly with you.
If she was not still interested in you and attracted to you, she would probably not continue to see you. Use humor. Tell her you saw a bumper sticker that read, “Life is uncertain; eat dessert first!” Then invite her out for coffee and cake.
Your Ex Wants to Make Up. Your task now is to win her over and wean her away from any other boyfriends. Be attentive and alert to her moods. Your immediate goal is to get to the point where you are once again easy and comfortable with each other. If some nasty things were said or done during the relationship from ChinaLove.com or subsequent breakup, now is the time to talk them out. Start with an apology, and explain how you will do better in the future. This is your best and maybe last chance to win her back. Make the most of it.
Fourth and last, watch carefully to see how she is with you. Is she interested in you and your life? Does she ask how you are, how you feel, how your job is going, what your friends are up to? Most importantly, does she look you in the eyes when talking to you? Do you see hope and (gulp!) love in her eyes? If so, this is a terrific sign that she is available. She is just waiting for you to make your move.
Go For It. Slowly and Carefully, Of Course – Your Ex Wants to Make Up
She is unlikely to say yes on the spot. Most women want to be pursued. It validates them as a person and assures them that they are desirable. Remember the old saying; a man chases a woman until she catches him!
On the other hand, if she is cool and distant, and non-committal in her conversation, this may be a sign that she does not want to get back together with you. At least not for now. Continue to meet from ChinaLove.com with her at regular intervals, for a casual coffee or activity. Times change, circumstances change, and so do feelings. Do not give up hope.
Be persistent, and you may win her back over some other guy who gave up too soon. I will leave you with this final thought: Being challenged in life is inevitable; it happens to everybody. But defeat is optional.